So the following day we went up to the country side practically in the middle of no man land. kinda relaxing then it gets boring. As a nature chick i do appreciate my surrounding so it wasn't so bad. (click to enlarge)
this was near by our hotel
This was a bus stop
Warning: You might throw up when you enlarge it. =X
Its a dead frog/toad. they get run over all the time due to massive buses on the road
Lovely flowers everywhere!!
looks like a mantis stuck in a web waiting to be eating.
went climbing on rocks!!!!!!! well...
The scenery was beautiful so worth it. we were high up and all you can see was fogs!
This dog was so sad
It had a broken leg from a fight but since he was a street dog no one can save him. he now walks with three legs =(
My fellow tour mate Lydia also fed him.
I wonder how people got that statue up there along with the temple in the middle of the mountain?
Another temple inside that mountain
another town near a night market.
Finally to my hotel way up in the mountain. you can see my tour bus in the back Red Ants!!!
And i'll leave you with a really beautiful scenery from my hotel.
Thanxs for looking xoxo
Next stop Taiwan 10