hey all.. im back and i brought some sun with me as well. you can thank me later heheh =) so today's post will be a bit different. I will be talking about "HomeWecker" cause that has been on my mind for days.
so the definition of a home wrecker is
1) one who comes into your life, and screws it all up. This involves stealing your boyfriend/girlfriend, puppy, your friends, until they pretty much take over your entire life.
2) a person who goes after another/others who are already taken and succeeds
so when is home wreaking acceptable and why we do it?I have no idea. But let me tell you i hate the idea. Its wrong, unjust and unethical l. I think some people do it just out of despite or maybe they are jealous of the relationship and wants the same thing. I feel that is very disrespectful and vicious to ones feeling, they actually have NO SOUL! A more suitable label is probably “Inconsiderate Person”, “Selfish Individual”, or “Non Empathetic Human but remember it take two to play this game.
Do I think the home wrecker deserves sympathy? Hell fucking no if she or he didn't care about the home they wreck then why should we give a dam about them. i would just let them ROTT
have I wreck someones home before? I admit I had but that was not intentionally. doosh bag never told me he was marry/ girlfriend. I feel bad afterward and cut the A hoe off but hey cheaters will be cheaters and you can't stop them. there has been many cases that I meet a guy for the first time and he acts completely single. Being very flirtatious i.e. hand holding, waist grabbing, extremely (uncomfortably) close dancing, seductively touching and other stuff. So, from what I see, the guy is as single as ever. Game on. That is until... I, later, find out that he is in a relationship, or even worse... is married! Backing off immediately. The guy is leading me on to believe that he is absolutely single. Not having it.
In some cases the unintentionally home wrecking would not be the person fault cuz he or she didn't know about the relationship, we should blame it on the other partners who is sleezy and just plain selfish.
We go through life thinking that we deserve honesty and respect, especially from those we are intimate with. But when we are treated with clear disrespect for our boundaries, we become frustrated and threatened of losing what we thought we deserved. Our focus then turns to blame because we aren’t ready to turn inward to process the hurt. And that’s OK. When you’re ready, and only when you’re ready, take a good look at your own life and how it led up to the home wrecking scene. Look at your choice in partners, look at the company you keep, look at the boundaries you’ve set, look at the lessons learned from previous relationships, look at where you’ve been, and finally…look at where you want to be. It’s all part of figuring out who you are. Remember that you can’t feel threatened if you’re with someone who gives you no reason to feel threatened. Trust your gut and figure out why you’re threatened.Here’s what really counts, that you see there is more to life than just your perspective. Blaming is a mask for your own confusion. Remember your the most important person in the world and no one else.
In this society one will deal with this situation at least once in a lifetime because there will always be some young no good tramp/jerk that will come in and make her/him self comfortable with the no care in the world cuz that how they roll so be careful. and for those that never even slightly got in to that predicament then you are definitely the lucky ones
I wish life was just as smooth and delicious like chocolate but that will always be just a dream. the innocent and the home wrecker
I Promise to post pics from my vacation sometime this week stay tune.
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home wrecker do what they do to make them self feel better because they are insecure about them self. good post. we all deserve better
did you copy and paste this from somewhere? or have you really wreaked a home with a married person. gasp!
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